Various A Cappella Singing groups from around Mid-Michigan
A smorgasbord of A Cappella Singers will assemble on Sunday afternoon, November 10, 2019, at the Morey Education Center, 380 W Blanchard Rd Mt Pleasant, MI 48858. Start time is 3 pm and admission is FREE. Each group will offer a sampling of their music to those in attendance.
Groups include the Mountaintown Singers and MidStatesmen Men's Choruses, CMU student ensembles, Fish n Chips. On the Rox and Central Harmony, as well as Mountaintown Family Mixed Chorus, and Heart of Michigan and Crossroads Harmony Sweet Adelines Choruses. Quartets will include Station Break, current Senior Men's Quartet Champion from BHS Pioneer District, Axiom, Power of Four, and The Heights.
Tickets are not required but a free-will offering will be collected to benefit The Care Store, a Mt. Pleasant charity offering food, personal care products and cleaning supplies to local residents in need.
11/10/2019 3:00 pm
Parking Instructions
Plenty of free parking at Morey Education Center is available. The school is on Blanchard Rd., 8 miles west of Shepherd.
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